Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week #1: Welcome to Cars, Culture, and Media! Who Are We? Come ride wit me...

This post is due by Tuesday, September 3. No late posts will be accepted.

Please answer the following questions in our course blog thread below.

1. What is your full name and professional major?
2. What is the first word, phrase or image that comes to your mind when you hear the word "car"?
3. What is the source of this first word, phrase, or image?
4. What is one SINGLE SPECIFIC question you hope to answer about "cars, culture, and media" by course's end?


  1. Please post your introductions right here. Rev it up.

  2. 1). Nathan Hale Hanna. Environmental Studies Major (Global Studies Minor).
    2). Suzuki.
    3). I have a Suzuki Forenza. It kind of works, but not really.
    4). I hadn't thought about the brain being a major topic in this class, so that interests me. How strong a role does the media have in creating culture and shaping our brains?

  3. 1. Alexander Gemme. Environmental Studies concentration in Wilderness Education and Sustainable Living.
    2. Engine
    3. energy that power. The centerpiece of a car.
    4. How does the media infiltrate our lives and affect our culture so strongly?

  4. 1. Jillian Petrone. Environmental Studies concentration in Sustainability Studies.
    2. Road
    3. Where cars are typically driven, enables people to drive more
    4. How can we change media to create a more environmentally conscious culture, instead of a consuming culture?

  5. 1. Hannah Orzolek Environmental Studies concentration in Sustainability.
    2. Drive
    3. It's what I do in the car
    4. How much does the media actually impact peoples car culture?

  6. 1. Elizabeth Compean, Environmental Studies major
    2. Gas
    3. Cars run on gas.
    4. My parents all out refused to buy me a car or pay for driver's ed, so I've never even been behind the wheel of a car. I don't have a license. However, I know the public transportation system like the back of my hand and I'm proud of it. How does bus,subway, and taxi culture in cities like New York relate to car culture? How does our culture typically respond to people without a license?

  7. 1. Samantha Leopold, Environmental Studies and German Major
    2. Go
    3. Cars main function is to "go" and transport us from one place to another.
    4. With rising environmental issues of climate change and peak oil, how will our car culture be impacted and what role will the media play?

  8. Conor Mark environmental studies major
    My car's headlights are kind of dim
    Why are cars so prominent in daily life, but I know almost nothing about them. For instance, i have to idea how do do somethting basic, like fix my headlights.

  9. Conor Mark environmental studies major
    My car's headlights are kind of dim
    Why are cars so prominent in daily life, but I know almost nothing about them. For instance, i have to idea how do do somethting basic, like fix my headlights.

  10. Julia Lloyd Environmental Studies
    Vroom Vroom
    Cars go vroom vroom
    I am curious about the car's role as an individual. Although the automobile usually seats five comfortably, why do we more commonly associate the vehicle with freedom rather community?

  11. Alyssa Guyette Environmental Studies
    After being in burlington all summer iv been in the mood to go on a road trip somewhere
    How have the growth of cars and media contributed to the way our community and other communities around the world view the environment.

  12. Ben Kaufman, ENVS
    When I think of "car" I imagine myself as a driver. The power to decide your current location with no personal effort, on top of the ability to move a thousand pound object at the twitch of a toe gives one a feeling of incredible control.

    I want to know more about how the population of cars has fluctuated over time, especially when compared to the rise of advertising. I think it would be really interesting to create demographic charts of cars (either as a line graph showing how many cars there are over the years, or a population pyramid showing that ages of cars).

  13. Heather Scammon ENVS Major Sustainable Studies concentration
    the ability that cars give us to move faster than humanly possible.
    what is the most effective source of media that makes a certain car so desirable?

  14. 1. Nicholas (Nick) Leger
    2. Red (as in a toy, cartoon-like, red car)
    3. The source of number two is probably the image (or at least one of the images) that I have associated with the word car since childhood.
    4. I hope to learn whether or not the future of transportation infrastructure lays in personal vehicles, or larger scale public transportation.

  15. 1) Addie Halligan, Environmental Studies
    2) Mater
    3) Well first the movie Cars came into mind, then I thought of Mater, so technically it was the second thought
    4) How can we use media in a beneficiary way to have a positive impact on transportation and a shift to a more sustainable form of driving and commuting.

  16. 1. What is your full name and professional major?
    T. Cleopatra Doley, Environmental Studies
    2. What is the first word, phrase or image that comes to your mind when you hear the word "car"?
    3. What is the source of this first word, phrase, or image?
    The fact that cars need gas to run.
    4. What is one SINGLE SPECIFIC question you hope to answer about "cars, culture, and media" by course's end?
    I hope to answer "How did cars become such an integral part of United States culture?"

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  18. 1. Mark Camilleri, History
    2. Speed
    3. Cars enable us to travel faster
    4. I am curious about how the media affects our view of cars in relation to other modes of transportation.

  19. 1. Meagan Murray, Environmental Studies major with a concentration in Policy & Development
    2. Drive
    3. I associate cars with practicality, and particularly driving. Being able to cover distances without the use of ones feet (for the most part) is extremely convenient. I don't think there's always a destination when I go for a drive.
    4. I hope to continue to build upon the previous coursework in Media Environments. Specifically, I would like to learn how we can alter consumer choices surrounding transportation by teaching them how to access and analyze different media forms.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. 1. Eli Guterman, Music

    2. Suburb

    3. Cars live there, cars leave there

    4. How did the car become so iconic of Western culture/romanticized?

  22. 1.Will Romeo, Environmental Studies with a concentration in Ecology and Conservation, mainly marine related.
    3. I have Ford Ranger that I will drive until the day I die if I can.
    4. I hope to understand how media will change our perception of the automobile as we climb further into the environmental crisis we face.

  23. 1. Ryan Skinner, Environmental Studies with a Sustainable Studies concentration
    2. Door
    3. It's part of a car's structure
    4. I found it surprising that it seems like that brain will be a big part of the course. I'd like to find out how this will be weaved into our discussions this year.

  24. 1. Alexandra Marie Smiley (just call me Alex please) and my major is Environmental Studies with a Community and International Development minor
    2. Culture
    3. Course Title
    4. In a lot of my classes we have touched on the idea that perhaps our culture has provided the infrastructure for cars to be predators upon us and the natural environment- its an interesting idea that I would like to further explore. I also love to have my eyes opened to the different ways the media can manipulate its audience. and I think there is a lot to be learned regarding the car culture.

  25. 1. Chris Conley, Economics
    2. Skylark
    3. It was my first car
    4. How culture and media influence a societies consumption.
