Thursday, October 3, 2013

Commercial Deep Dive- The Cog


This commercial's main argument? Never worry about the Honda Accord breaking down, each piece will interact to create a smoothly running vehicle leaving you worry free. 


The storyline in this commercial catches the attention of the rational brain as it challenges the viewer to understand and guess how the pieces are going to interact. The sounds in the video engage the emotional brain through great use of silence, calling attention to the sparse sounds used in the commercial.  Finally the reptilian brain is also affected through the use of music, when it is sparingly used, which instills a feeling of excitement and happiness. 


There has been a clear Aesthetic shift in viewing capabilities of media. I can watch this advertisement on Youtube whenever I want: the combination of television from years ago, with my laptop now and the freedom to access at my most meager whim anything I can fumble together a search for. I remember initially receiving this video in an email from my father, demonstrating how our ability to share goes beyond youtube. We can now view nearly anything that has been broadcast in the past, right now, nearly anywhere in the world. There has been a cultural and economic shift in the way media is presented. With the evolution of advertising, extremes and hype are central in many media sources. The minimalism used in the sound, and the background of this ad really draws the viewer in, giving them a sense of security, further constructed by the soothing message of the video. This ad also exemplifies a technological shift, as we can have comprehensive video editing and effects added on to a Rube Goldberg which utilizes intricate circuits to complete its seamless flow of motion.

5 "FACTS":

The Honda Accord will always “just work”. The pieces fit together perfectly and without flaw. The Accord only makes very pleasing noises, and otherwise is silent. The Honda Accord will provide a smooth transition from each part of your life to the next.


The Cog uses the principles of high production techniques, emotional transfer, and the power of individual meaning. The production is perfect in this ad, with amazing lighting and a very simple backdrop to make sure all attention is kept on the car pieces. There is no background noise, and the only noises throughout the commercial are the pleasing “pings” and “dings” of the different interactions. These noises are pleasing and help the view reach their own individual meaning hopefully along the lines of “this car sounds and looks wonderful”. The production techniques also allow for a sense of wonder and admiration to be built up around the car, the principle of emotional transfer. This commercial targets people who are interested in how things work, especially their car.


This commercial some persuasive techniques intensely throughout its 3 minutes. The technique of diversion is huge, as the whole commercial is spent showing how everything works well together, but nothing is actually said about the function of the car as a whole. There is not a single fact in the commercial. The timing is incredible, with pinpoint orchestration of each event to work perfectly with the next. If the commercial runs so smoothly, imagine the car! The only words in the whole commercial are a rhetorical question “isn’t it nice when everything thing just works?” which the user will of course answer with “yeah I love that!” when of course who doesn’t want everything to work. The only symbols present are the car name “Accord” and company “Honda” and these are kept out of site until the very end. Likewise, the sounds only come into play as the commercial ramps up to its finale. The silence is filled over time with more and more dings and swishes and finally is composed of banging music coming from over-eager car speakers. Only then does the car make its grand entrance.

SEPRITE Forces: 

Technology: This commercial makes the viewer think about how intricately a car works, and how impressive a machine it is.  Many commercials stray away from interior functions, maybe touching on horsepower pr MPGs, but rarely showing many parts interacting.  This commercial embraces the how precise a car must be, and makes a running car appear to be more artistic than destructive.  

Environments:  The entire production takes place inside a normal-looking (if not very long) house.  This human-built environment gives the viewer a feeling of relaxation, as it probably looks familiar to most people watching.

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