Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Range Rover Evoque

Range Rover Evoque
Thesis: You can’t leave it, once you've touched it.

Triune Brain: This commercial appeals to the limbic brain. It opens with a yeti in the snow-covered mountains, who happens to stumble to the sight of a Range Rover Evoque. While the yeti enters the car, sits down, and grips the steering wheel, we here calm and soothing music, appealing to the sounds and music portion of the limbic brain. This commercial also uses the neocortex when it projects "You can't leave it, once you've touched it." The reptilian brain is projected through the standoff between the man and the yeti -neither run away that we see. 

3 Shifts/Trends: The first shift is the epistemological shift from word to pictures and images. Rather than just hearing about how the Range Rover can take you to the mountains and find yeti, we can see both the yetis’ discovery of the car and the surprised response of the driver. This commercial also shows the aesthetic shift and the convergence of technology. I can watch this on youtube on my computer, smart phone, iPod, notebook , etc. One trend I saw in the filming of this was the use of panning and scenes. It's a very slow paced commercial with only a fair amount of different cuts in the short picture, creating a smooth and calming effect.  

5 Facts :
1. Yetis do exist.
2. You can drive to the peaks of mountaintops with this car.
3. You cant’ leave the steering wheel once you've touch it.
4. Yetis don’t like getting their pictures taken.
5. The steering wheel will make a yeti cry its so warm and comforting.

3 Principles: The first principle I noticed was Reality Construction. The commercial creates an alternate reality where one can drive to the tops of mountains and interact with yetis. This can be seen as a good thing to get in touch with nature, but in reality it would be much more difficult and expensive. There is also an Emotional Transfer as we see the yeti sheds a tear of joy an comfort, a truly beautiful moment. This commercial did have a value message and its that this car take help you get to the outdoors and even in the winter when its really cold because it now have heated steering wheels.

Persuasive Techniques: The first technique we see is humor and the yeti discovering the great warmth of the steering wheel, as well as when he rips the steering wheel off the car and the bag later explodes in his face. The next technique is the warm fuzzies when we see the yeti begin to cry. We also see hyperbole in the phrase “You can’t leave, Once you’ve touched it.” It appeals to plain folks as well, the average adventurous man would want a car like this. I thought this whole commercial was an example of diversion for Range Rovers. To me this commercial says our car is great and really expensive, but look- we have heated steering wheels, warm enough to bring tears to a yeti's eyes.

SEPRITE: Environments was the first theme I saw. This car can take you to all sorts of different environments, including the mountains. It is using the environment as a way to attract people to its automobile and showing how you can go great places and see great things with the car. The next theme I noticed was technology, now we not only have the technology to get you to the top of that mountain, but we can also keep your hands nice and warm will you get there. This relates to the economics theme also, because just as we learned from Seiler, the car seems like it is available for everyone, but only certain socioeconomic classes can afford it. 

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